Ham Volunteer Registration
Thanks to all amateur radio operators who participated in the 2024 event. We couldn’t have done it without you and we’re getting ready for 2025!
The Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon was organized to be a Run To Remember for those who died, those who survived, and those whose lives were changed forever, in the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in 1995. It is usually held on the last Sunday of April each year. This year, it will be April 26th and 27th, 2025.
100 amateur radio operators are needed this year to cover the entire course with public service communications. We have operators that operate in all of these locations:
- operators at each of 4 relay locations
- at each of the 19 medical tents on the course
- net control operators
- SAG vehicles
- water and ice trucks
- in the lead vehicle for the full and half marathons
- tail-end Charlie following the last runner
- operators at the “kids’ corral” at the end of the kids’ race
- radio observers along the “last mile”
- operators at the Regional Emergency Operations Center in OKC
- running in the race
- and any other assignments that may be needed.
Volunteer registration will be available online at the start of 2025, but you can join the OKC Memorial Marathon AUXCOMM group by clicking here. Share your pictures and experiences, or get some more information there. You can also get added to the email list by emailing [email protected]. Be a part of this exciting amateur radio community event.
Please read the header info on the site. We all will have a background check done as part of the registration. Please fill out all the boxes.
Please send any special needs and/or comments to [email protected].
Sunday race day usually begins at about 0600 with an on-site check-in, and most operators should be released by 1400. It is a very rewarding experience to see and assist runners from all over the world.
A pre-brief meeting will be held on April 21st at the OKC Fire Training Center, 820 N Portland, Oklahoma City, 73107, where T-shirts, credential packets (for those in the downtown area), frequency cards, and other necessary information will be distributed.
Most radio operators need a good mobile or base unit with an external antenna. Depending on your assigned location, an HT with an external antenna, spare battery packs, or an external power supply may also work. Please visit your assigned location and test your radios with the repeaters used. Stay flexible and able to adapt to course changes and changes in the weather (hot, cold, rain, hail, wind, etc.) Follow the Marathon Communications Plan created by the Public Safety Communications chair.
This year, there will be a NO WEAPONS policy—open or concealed—for any part of the marathon. If you do not feel you can abide by the No Weapons policy along any part of the course or on any OKC MM property, please DO NOT volunteer.
This is the main fundraiser for the Oklahoma National Memorial and Museum. It usually raises about 1 million dollars annually, with about 21,000 entrants in 2024.
The in-kind contribution of the amateur radio community is over $65,000 in volunteer time and equipment each year.
Sign up today and get in on the fun!