Amateur Radio on 168 Days

The OKC National Memorial Museum has been running a program called 168 Days. Since this is the 25th anniversary of the bombing, they are remembering those who were killed – one featured each day, with more information about them, their lives and their loved ones available on their own, dedicated page.

They also honor those who survived. There are 644 official survivors, and each day they honor the experience and resilience of several of them.

Finally, they thank all of those who did their all to help – those changed forever. From police and fire departments to hospitals, churches, non-profits and more.

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On day 121, March 3rd, 2020, they celebrate the role that the Amateur Radio Emergency Service played during the event. As shown above, this will be featured during the channel 4, 5, 9 and 25 evening news throughout the night. Channel 9 has the video segments archived online at

For more information on the 168 Days information, please visit the National Memorial’s 168 Days page by clicking here.